Prof. Dr | Avik | Roy | University of Wisconsin-Miwaukee | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Muayad | Salman | Research Laboratory of Ecosystems and Aquatic Resources, UR03AGRO; National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage, 43 Av. Charles Nicolle, Tunis, 1082 Tunisia. | Canada | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Helio | Lira | Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | Brazil | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Clement | Yedjou | Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | GUSTAVO | Haddad Souza Vieira | IFES campus Santa Teresa | Brazil | Excellence in Research |
Dr | Raymundo | Munoz | Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua | Mexico | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Alejandra | de-la-Torre | Universidad del Rosario | Colombia | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Ahsan | Jamil | New Mexico State University | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | David | Dean | The Ohio State University | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | ERNESTO | DE LA CRUZ NICOLÁS | CENIDET | Mexico | Excellence in Research |
Prof. Dr | Decheng | Yang | University of British Columbia | Canada | Excellence in Research |
Prof. Dr | Miguel | Castro Fernández | Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae | Cuba | Excellence in Research |
Dr | Evandro | Teixeira | University of Brasilia | Brazil | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Wander | Borges | Agronomic Institute - IAC | Brazil | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Deicy Carolina | Lozano | Universidad Nacional de Loja | Ecuador | Women Researcher Award |
Dr | Zichao | Li | Canoakbit Alliance Inc. | Canada | Best Innovation Award |
Dr | Jaime | Gallardo-Alvarado | National Technological Institute of Mexico, Celaya Campus | Mexico | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Sebastián | Valencia | Universidad Católica de Santa María | Peru | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | BOLANLE | BABALOLA | UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN | Canada | Women Researcher Award |
Prof | Merlin | Butler | University of Kansas Medical Center | United States | Lifetime Achievement Award |