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ZoharIbarra | Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

Dr. ZoharIbarra ,CONAHCYT,Investigador por Mexico

Zohar Ibarra-Zatarain is a passionate researcher in aquaculture, specializing in animal behavior, stress response, and fish reproduction. Holding a PhD in Aquaculture, he has excelled in studying species like Senegalese sole and gilthead seabream. With a Master’s degree in Science and a Bachelor’s in Aquaculture, Zohar’s expertise extends to larval culture, aquaculture system design, and biosecurity. He has collaborated with renowned experts globally and presented his research at prestigious symposiums. Currently a professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Nayarit, Mexico, Zohar’s work underscores his commitment to sustainable aquaculture practices.

Publication Profile



Education And Experience

I hold an International Doctorate in Aquaculture (2015) with a qualification of Cum Laude, obtained from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in Spain, in collaboration with the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA). My thesis, directed by Dr. Neil Duncan, focused on “The role of stress coping style in reproduction and other biological aspects in the aquaculture species, Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).”My academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Aquaculture from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México. During this time, under the mentorship of Dr. Neil Duncan and Dr. Olga Zamudio, my research focused on the “Effect of LHRH’a hormone on the quality of sperm in the Pacific dog snapper (Lujanus novenfasciatus) under captivity conditions “ I am currently employed as a Professor and Researcher at the National Council of Humanities, Science, and Technology (CONAHCYT) – Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN), specializing in Biotechnology and Aquaculture. In this role, I contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields and mentor aspiring aquaculturists. My academic background and professional experiences have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of aquaculture, enabling me to contribute significantly to the field’s advancement.

Professional Development

My professional journey in aquaculture has been marked by a deep dedication to expanding my expertise and contributing to the field’s advancement. From my doctoral and post-doctoral research focusing on gamete quality enhancement to my roles as a Professor, Private Consultant, and Hatchery Manager, each experience has added a unique dimension to my skills. My time as a Professional Advisor further refined my understanding of regulatory frameworks, while my participation in international symposiums has kept me at the forefront of industry developments. My commitment to aquaculture’s sustainability and my pursuit of knowledge continue to drive my professional growth, ensuring that I remain a proactive contributor to the field.

Research Focus

My research focuses on understanding stress coping styles and their impact on the physiology, behavior, and reproduction of key aquaculture species, particularly Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). By characterizing these coping styles, I aim to enhance our understanding of how these fish respond to stressors in their environment and how this knowledge can be applied to improve aquaculture practices. Additionally, my work explores the use of hormonal therapies and other management strategies to optimize fish reproduction and broodstock management. Through my research, I seek to contribute to the development of sustainable aquaculture systems that prioritize animal welfare and environmental conservation.

Publication Top Notes

  1. Characterization of stress coping style in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles and breeders for aquaculture 🐟
    • Published in: Royal Society Open Science, 2016
    • Cited by: 29
  2. Mating behaviour and gamete release in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, Linnaeus 1758) held in captivity 🐠
    • Published in: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015
    • Cited by: 24
  3. Dominance behaviour in a non-aggressive flatfish, Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and brain mRNA abundance of selected transcripts 🐟
    • Published in: PloS one, 2017
    • Cited by: 20
  4. Paired spawning with male rotation of meagre Argyrosomus regius using GnRHa injections, as a method for producing multiple families for breeding selection programs 🐟
    • Published in: Aquaculture, 2018
    • Cited by: 17
  5. Reproductive success of a marine teleost was correlated with proactive and reactive stress‐coping styles 🐟
    • Published in: Journal of Fish Biology, 2019
    • Cited by: 15
  6. Dietary fatty acid composition significantly influenced the proactive–reactive behaviour of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) post-larvae 🐟
    • Published in: Applied animal behaviour science, 2015
    • Cited by: 15


ZoharIbarra | Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

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