jerryGao | Software Engineering | Best Researcher Award
Prof. jerryGao, San Jose State University, United States
Education And Experience
Dr. Jerry Gao is a Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, San Jose State University, USA. With a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, Dr. Gao has extensive academic and industry experience. He has led successful R&D projects, published over 200 papers, co-authored several technical books, and contributed significantly to areas like software engineering, mobile computing, and cloud services. His research interests include smart cities, cloud computing, test automation, and big data applications. Dr. Gao’s work has garnered significant recognition, with numerous publications cited widely in the academic community.Ā
- Formal approach to scenario analysis
P Hsia, J Samuel, J Gao, D Kung, Y Toyoshima, C Chen
IEEE Software 11 (2), 33-41
Cited by: 424 (1994)
- Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software
JZ Gao, J Tsao, Y Wu
Artech House Computing Library
Cited by: 377 (2003)
- Change impact identification in object-oriented software maintenance
Kung, Gao, Hsia, Wen, Toyoshima, Chen
Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Software Maintenance, 202-211
Cited by: 288 (1994)
- Business-to-business e-commerce frameworks
SSY Shim, VS Pendyala, M Sundaram, JZ Gao
Computer 33 (10), 40-47
Cited by: 275 (2000)
- Multistep-ahead time series prediction
H Cheng, PN Tan, J Gao, J Scripps
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 10th Pacific-Asia ā¦
Cited by: 272 (2006)
- Cloud testing-issues, challenges, needs and practice
J Gao, X Bai, WT Tsai
Software Engineering: An International Journal 1 (1), 9-23
Cited by: 257 (2011)
- Class firewall, test order, and regression testing of object-oriented programs
DC Kung, J Gao, P Hsia, J Lin, Y Toyoshima
JOOP 8 (2), 51-65
Cited by: 256 (1995)